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Sunday, August 22, 2010

All ex-servicemen Directors of PESCO submit resignation to Punjab govt.Veteran Prabhjot Singh Chhatwal PLS Retd.

All ex-servicemen Directors of PESCO submit resignation to Punjab govt
Friday, 20 August 2010
CHANDIGARH: In a major setback to Punjab government, the four nominated Directors, all exservicemen, on the board of Directors of Punjab Ex-servicemen Corporation Friday resigned in protest against Punjab government interference in the working of the corporation.Those submitted resignations included Maj Gen Trilochan Singh, Maj Gen Charanjit Singh Panag, Brig Kuldip Singh Chandpuri and Col Surjit Singh Sandhu.A statement issue under the signatures of Brig Kuldip Singh Chandpuri said PESCO was eastablished vide Punjab Act No.33 of 1978 with the sole aim of providing re-employment and economic upliftment of ex-servicement belonging to state of Punjab.The statement further said that the Corporation was drifting away from its main aim and objectives spelt out in the Act. They didn't want to be privy to its present day functioning.
#3 Guru Ram Dass Nagar, Tripuri, Patiala.
Press Note
Patiala-21 August. Coordination Committee of Indian Ex-Services League, Punjab & Chandigarh, headed by Veteran Prabhjot Singh Chhatwal PLS Retd. and Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen Association (Regd.), a national body of ex-servicemen, fully endorses the stand taken by all the four members of Board of Directors (senior veterans-Major Gen. Tarlochan Singh, Major Gen. C.S. Panag, Brig. K.S. Chandpuri & Col. Surjit Singh Sandhu) of Punjab Ex-Servicemen Corporation who have resigned en-block to register their protest against the intentional move of the PESCO Chairmen by which he wanted to please his political mentor in hope to remain in chair for some more years.League, further, requests the Punjab Govt. to dig the cause of resentment registered by the high ranking veterans and sack the Chairmen and others responsible for this episode.PESCO was initially established to provide the facilities for resettlement to the retired young soldiers who were sent back home, after laying their youth at the alter of nation, to keep the forces young. Veteran Bhupinder Singh SohiVice-PresidentIndian Ex-Services League (P & C)
Posted by Veteran Prabhjot Singh Chhatwal at 3:17 PM 0 comments